Spiros Koutrakis
General information
Nombre y Apellidos: Spiros Koutrakis
Categoría: Filología Italiana
Área de conocimiento: Investigador
Departamento: Departamento de Lengua y Literaura Italiana
Facultad: Facultad de Letras
Universidad: Universidad ‘Aristòteles’ di Tesalònica, Crecia
Correo: sout1972@yahoo.gr, spikouspikout@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5172-4362
Researcher ID: 3953366
Dialnet: 4264891
Google Scholar: Spiros Koutrakis
Doctor of Art and Literature with a thesis on painting and poetry by Pier Paolo Pasolini and Franco Fortini. He has attended many conferences in Greece, Spain and Italy as a speaker. He has translated books from Italian to Greek. He is a teacher of Italian language to adults.