Kostantina Boubara
General data
Name and Surname: Konstantina Boubara
Category: Professoressa Associata
Knowledge area: Storia della Letteratura Italiana
Department: Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana
Faculty: Facoltà di Lettere
University: Università Aristotele di Salonicco, Greece
Email: boubara@itl.auth.gr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0616-0534
Ada Boubara is Associate Professor of History of Italian Literature at the Department of Italian Language and Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). His studies and research focus on nineteenth and twentieth century literature, poetry and female writing. He has published various articles in international journals, book chapters and volumes related to Italian literature and gender studies. He has translated works of contemporary Italian literature into Greek and edited various translations, including the Greek edition of Guido Muoni's monograph Philellenic literature in Italian romanticism. He has published and edited for the types of Arachne the nineteenth-century treatise by Angelica Palli Barlolommei, Discourses of a woman to the young married women of his country and in addition he has published the manual Essential elements of the Italian literary panorama, a text aimed at foreign students who deal with Italian literature.