Vincenzo Sigonio

This is how the Italian author Vincenzo Sigonio da Ferrara signs, there is no biographical data on him, his name does not appear in the records (it should be noted that the Ferrara archives begin in 1524, possibly later than his work and life), Nor does it appear in the "registry of the dead" that begins in 1579.
Vincezo does not appear among the names of the court, nor is he cited by other laureates, doctors or readers of the Ferrara Athenaeum or active members of the Cinquecento literary academy. Only some data can be known through his work. He is the author of the work La difesa per le donne contra quelli scrittori ch'hanno detto mai [mali] di quelle nei scritti et libri parrot, preserved in an autobiographical copy in the communal library of Mirandola, after being in various collections and libraries , the manuscript is today in a deposit in Bolonga, in the Emilia-Romagna di San Giorgio di Piano region.