Aonio Paleario

A distinguished Italian humanist, Aonio Paleario (1503-1570) held religious views close to Lutheranism. A progressive man of character and a model of egalitarian masculinity, Paleario developed on a professional, personal and intellectual level in five Italian enclaves: Rome, Padua, Siena, Lucca and Milan. Trained in Philosophy and Greco-Roman Literature, Paleario was not only distinguished by the enlightened teaching of philological teachings, but also by his defense of dogmatic positions of enormous collective importance. And although his project of ecclesiastical reform, centered essentially on the Christian population (plebs sancta), was neglected by the Council of Trent (1545-1563), Paleario defended profound social aspects, promoting individual and community culture, openness ideological, freedom of conscience, proper education of children and the eradication of outdated approaches to women and their gender status. Among the publications of Paleario, stand out De animorum immortalitate, Della pienezza, satisfazione et sophficienza del sangue di Cristo, De Pace, Orationes ad Senatum Populumquem Lucensem, Prefatio de ratione studiorum or Pro se ipso. However, among her works, two should be highlighted: L’actio in pontifices romanos and Dell’economia o vero del Governo della casa, volume, the latter, of incomparable academic value for the debate of the Women's Complaint. Paleario would be hanged on July 3, 1570 in Rome, branded as heretical and accused of professing beliefs contrary to the precepts of the Catholic Church.