Sperone Speroni

Sperone Speroni (1500-1588) is an author capable of passing often with happy results from non-fiction to theater, from writing letters to philosophical reflection. The period in which he was the enlightened animator of the Accademia degli Infiammati in his native Padua is important in his human and artistic career. The masterpiece of this personality of profound, rigorous and solid culture are the lucky Dialogues, as evidenced by the numerous editions that have taken place over time. Proponent of a moderate classicism and convinced supporter of the dialect work of Angelo Beolco, better known by the name Ruzante, Speroni is an intellectual in relation to many and authoritative personalities of his time. The Dialogues are compositions of great interest and depth for at least two reasons: the importance of the literary quality that substantiate them and the original rhetorical structure on which they are based. Also interesting in this intelligent vulgarizer of Aristotelianism is the basic language of koiné which is substantially Tuscan but open at times not Tuscan, as well as the new cadences and rhythms that continually animate the solemn, never monotonous period of time that characterizes other contemporary texts.