Scipione Vasolo

Son of the poet and rhetoric reader of the University of Pavia, Venturino Vasoli, Scipione, man of letters and man of arms from Lunigiana, flourished in the second half of the sixteenth century. He was proud of having the citizens of Pavia, he boasted of his social status and, above all, of his title of "Captain". Scipione Vasoli was little known to the great mass of writers of the late Renaissance, according to some, he was a completely evanescent figure. Her name appeared for the first time in a printed treatise of 1573 "The glorious excellence of women, and of love", the subject of our study, in contrast with the misogynist environment that pervaded the time. With the manuscript "The miraculous virtues of priestly stones for the health of human living", a treatise on the gems used to stay healthy without resorting to medicine, in 1577 he returned to devote himself to writing.