RSEI Magazine of the Spanish Society of Italianists, volume 14 of 2020. Monographic issue "Tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Escrittori italiani e Querelle des Femmes"
Coordinated by Daniele Cerrato

- Gender balance with Francesco da Barberino Reggimento e costumi di donna(1318-1320) Angela Giallongo (pp. 7-15)
- «Io posso formar questa donna a modo mio»: male self-modeling and the images of Pygmalion and Zeuxis in the Italian querelle des femmes Androniki Dialeti (pp.17-26)
- La Gynevera de le clare donne by Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti: a first approach Francisco José Rodríguez-Mesa (pp. 27-34)
- Ten paradoxes of the Intronati Academics: a testimony of the intellectual abilities of women Ioannis Dim. Tsolkas (pp. 35-49)
- The reasoning of Lodovico Dolce on the Institution of the virgin Ada Boubara (pp. 51-59)
- "Il mio terren natio cangiai / con quel, cui piacque al ciel donarmi in sorte'": the mini-songbook by Eleonora de la Ravoire Falletti (1559) in the Rime di donne by Lodovico Domenico Clara Stella (pp. 61-72)
- Aonio Paleario and the humanist philology: disidencia masculina en favor del Lutheranism and equaity José García Fernández (pp. 73-82)
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